Congratulations to Bauman Agency’s 2016 Yield Heroes! Our first annual Yield Hero Contest was announced in September on our website and through a mailing that was sent to all of our Pioneer seed customers. Our growers were eligible to enter a yield result for each Pioneer variety planted. These 2016 Yield Heroes were honored at our first annual yield hero dinner where they were awarded their 2016 Yield Hero jackets.
Congratulations to…
Scott Slepikas, winner with Pioneer P0339AMXT, Irrigated with 247.69 bu yield
Steve A Boomsma, winner with Pioneer soybean P18T26R2, Non irrigated with a 70.6 bu yield
Dave Brooker of Brooker Farms, winner with Pioneer corn P9188AMX, non-irrigated with 173.3 bu yield and irrigated Pioneer corn winner P0157 208.8 bu
Peg Brooker of Brooker Farms, winner with Pioneer corn P9188AMX, Non irrigated with 173.3 bu yield and irrigated Pioneer corn winner P0157 208.8 bu.
Kevin Kleinsasser (and Kenny, not pictured), winners with non-irrigated Pioneer corn P9703 155 bu yield, P0297 202 bu yield, and P0533AM1 192 bu yield and Pioneer non irrigated soybeans with P20T79R2 55.7 bu yield and P22T69 with 67.6 bu yield
Not Pictured are Joe Chase with non-irrigated Pioneer corn P0339AMXT 220.48 bu yield, and Riverside Farm’s Sam Waldner, with irrigated Pioneer Corn varieties P0533AM1 192 bu yield and P0589AM 268.96 bu yield.
What a pleasure it is to work with growers who continually strive to improve yields! Congratulate them when you meet these progressive growers!
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