Plot Performance for 2018

Harvest has come to a close (or nearly so) for most of us in eastern South Dakota, and as we approach the holiday season it’s important to look back and give thanks for the things that have gone well in the past year. We have been privileged here at Bauman Agency to have the opportunity to test some of these hybrids ourselves, and to work with several other farmers who were willing to devote some of their precious crop land to testing Pioneer Hybrids both new and old. We’d like to thank each of them for their help!

Of course, sales for next year’s seed is already underway, and knowing what varieties performed well will be essential in helping any operating decide what it will put in the ground next year. We hope you find the details of this year’s plot performance helpful in making these decisions for your farm and your family. As always, if you need help, just give us a call. After all, here at Bauman Agency we see seed from your side of the fence.

Test Plot Details

Featured Image: United Soybean Board

Are You a 2018 Yield Hero?

Bauman Agency is pleased to introduce our Hybrid Yield Hero contest for 2018! The yield contest is for each individual Pioneer corn and soybean product from the 2018 growing season. Each hybrid winner will be displayed on a banner that will remain on the Bauman Agency “Wall of Fame” for the year. They will also win a personalized Bauman Agency jacket and an invitation for 2 to our annual Yield Hero Dinner.

Rules and Regulations

  1. All entries must be harvested from Pioneer brand seed purchased from Bauman Agency.
  2. Each entry must consist of no less than 10 contiguous acres.
  3. Only one entry per person per hybrid. Producers may enter as many hybrids as they purchased.
  4. Each entry must be submitted on a separate entry form.
  5. All yields will be adjusted to dry bushels per acre (13% moisture for soybeans, 14% moisture for corn.)
  6. Yield evidence must be presented as scale tickets or a contiguous yield map from a calibrated yield monitor.
  7. Irrigated and dry-land acres will be in separate hybrid divisions.
  8. Winners must agree to have their picture taken. Bauman Agency will use these photographs in print and social media advertising.
  9. Deadline for entries is December 1st, 2018.
  10. If a tie should occur, the winner will be decided by whomever submitted the most Yield Hero entries

Complete ALL of the information and submit the entry form along with all production evidence to:

Bauman Agency
19897 SD Hwy 37
Huron, SD 57350

Remember: All entries are due at the Bauman Agency office by December 1st, 2018.

Yield Hero Rules and Entry Form

Featured Image Credit: JD Hancock